Adult Small Groups

Get involved in an in-home small group!

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Why small groups?

The sole purpose of West Hill’s Adult Small Group Ministry is to develop disciples. Through this ministry, we are all seeking to grow into more fully devoted followers of Christ together.

The New Testament’s descriptions of early church life are inspiring! They were excited about their faith, and they had dynamic relationships with each other. These believers were fully devoted to God and fully devoted to each other. Every Christian needs authentic fellowship and Biblical accountability. We were created to be better together! 

What are small groups?

A small group is simply a gathering of fellow disciples who are intentionally going through the Christian life more deeply together. This is done through spiritual growth, community, and outreach- the same three core elements we see throughout the whole New Testament! Large group gatherings have a focus on individual spiritual growth, and small group gatherings have a focus on relational spiritual growth. Small groups do not replace a weekend service but build upon it. Both are important, and complement each other!

How will they function?

West Hill’s Adult Small Groups will each be led weekly, in the individual small group leaders’ homes. They will meet following the schedule of “two months on, one month off." Starting in January and meeting throughout the calendar year, each off-month will be March, June, September, and December. Our Small Groups are for the spiritual growth of 10-15 adults, so your small group leader will work with the group to help arrange a suitable childcare situation, as needed. The weekly Discussion Guide is sermon-based, and is developed specifically from that Sunday’s message. Our church body can continue to grow in our faith as we study those scriptures and have healthy conversation about God together!